Charles R. Willson RPh MBA

After 29 years of Pharmacy practice, I decided life is better selling something people want instead of something they need. The people I meet in Real Estate are much more positive. I'm never happier than when somebody buys or sells a house and it works out for them and they are happy with what they have done. I have been helping people buy and sell houses for 9 years now and my list of friends is growing. They begin as customers, but before we are finished they are friends. I have worked largely with investors who all still contact me regularly. Buyers and especially sellers really appreciate the regular contact and updates, and that I try and pull back the curtain obscuring the progress of the process. From the age of 14 until I started practicing Pharmacy, I worked in home construction and renovations in my brother's business. I always loved the work and in 1991, while working as Director of Pharmacy at Salem Hospital, I built my own log home where I still live. I'm originally from suburban Philadelphia and was educated at Temple University. BSC in Pharmacy 1971, and MBA in Healthcare Administration 1975. I am married 29 years and have one grown daughter, a graduate of Boardman High School and Miami of Ohio, living in St. Louis. In 2007 I was licensed in Ohio for real estate and as a broker in 2010. I maintain a current Ohio Pharmacy license and occasionally teach health care courses at American National University